Events Archive

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September      October      November      December

December Holiday Season

Party and Rental Dates Available

The Mansion is open for Christmas Parties and other rentals during this time and will be decorated in traditional Victorian style throughout the season.

December 13, 2015

Christmas Dinner

The Mansion will be hosting Christmas dinner at 12:30pm for 1:00 pm. Price per adult is $25.00 and $12.50 for children twelve and under, and includes a full Christmas dinner, reservations required. Carol Fillmore will be providing music during the dinner and caroling after dinner. Catering is provided by Julia's Bistro & Catering.

Please RSVP by December 10, 2015 to Cindy at 905-776-2538 or email [email protected].

December 5, 2015

Open House

Please join us for our annual Christmas open house from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm. Free admission to the Mansion for the day included.

November 28, 2015

Open House and Special Bazaar

Please join us for our open house and special bazaar from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm. We will have many special items for sale at the bazaar and free admission for the day to the Mansion.

November 21, 2015

Christmas Decorating Fun Day

We will be decorating the Mansion for Christmas from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. Volunteers are needed and very much appreciated. Lunch will be provided. Please contact Cindy at the Mansion, 905-776-2538 or email [email protected] if you are available to volunteer.

November 12, 2015

Veterans' Day Lunch and Celebration

Please join us at the Mansion for our Veterans' Day Lunch and Celebration on Thursday, November 12, 2015 at 12:30pm-3:00pm. Cost is $12.00 per person and includes soup, sandwiches, dessert, tea and coffee. Joining us as our keynote speaker is Karen Richardson, Curator, Haldimand County Museum and Archives with her presentation, "We Will Remember Them."

RSVP by November 10, 2015 to Cindy at 905-776-2538 or email [email protected]. Minimum attendance required to run this event is 15.

October 30, 2015

Halloween Event

Please join us and enjoy a Bewitching Halloween at Cottonwood Mansion on Friday, October 30, 2015 from 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm. Games and activities are geared for ages Kindergarten to Grade 6. Cost is $12.00 per child--required accompanying adult by donation. Games, crafts, scavenger hunts, tricks and treats, refreshments and finger foods included. Pre-registration is required by Wednesday, October 28, 2015 by calling 905-776-2538 or emailing [email protected].

October 24, 2015

Museum closed for a private booking.

October 5, 2015

Tourism Partners Association Meeting

The Tourism Partners Association of Haldimand County will meet at Cottonwood Mansion Museum on Monday, October 5, 2015, with breakfast beginning at 9 a.m. Self-guided tours of the Selkirk heritage site will be available after the meeting.

For further information download the Information Poster.

September 19 , 2015

Doors Open Haldimand County

Cottonwood Mansion Museum is an official site for the Doors Open Haldimand County event. Come participate in a croquet match with us.

The following information pages are available

Sadee Kelly will have her Lemonade Stand open again as she did for Gas Fest.

Volunteers are needed for Doors Open Haldimand County, which will be open to the public without charge from 10 am to 4 pm. We need volunteers upstairs and downstairs. In the past we have often had three two hour shifts during the day. This year we are especially interested in having volunteers who know how to play croquet, card games, and dancing of the period, but these skills aren't necessary. We're hoping to see many friends and volunteers in any capacity you can serve throughout this special day. Please call Cindy Stewart-Held at 905-776-2538 if you are available to help in any way.

August 19, 2015

Harvests of Haldimand Outdoor Dining Experience

Location: Ruthven Park

Cottonwood Mansion members are once again participating in the Harvests of Haldimand Outdoor Dining Experience to be held this year at Ruthven Park National Historic Site on the above date. Tickets are $65 per person and available from Barbara Held by calling 905-779-3354 or 905-870-3354. Members who are able to help at the dinner are also asked to call Barbara or Cindy Stewart-Held at 905-776-2358. Details of the dinner can be found at the Ruthven National Park website, and this PDF excerpt from the Haldimand County newsletter.

August 9, 2015

Victorian Concert and Peach Social

Starting at 2 pm. Come and listen to the Cottonwood Brass Quintet with special guest Dr. Henry Meredith. Self-guided tours of the Mansion will be available. Please bring a lawn chair. Admission includes a Peach dessert. Adults $12.00, Children (twelve and under) $6, Pre-Schoolers free.

Click the pictures below to enlarge.

For further information download the Victorian Concert Peach Social 2015 Press Release.

Here is a Victorian Concert Peach Social Invitation for download.

August 8, 2015

Gas Fest

On Saturday, August 8th, Cottonwood Mansion Museum opened to the public from 2 pm to 4 pm. Prior to that members participated in the Gas Fest Parade in Selkirk.

July 18, 2015     Continuing July 22, 23, 25, from 11 am to 4 pm.

6th Annual Cottonwood Daylily Sale

Cottonwood volunteer Mary Ann Pearson again offered registered hybrid daylilies for sale at the Mansion from 10 am until 2 pm.

Daylilies are drought tolerant, easy to care for perennials requiring full to part sun. Large and small flower and double varieties in a range of colours will be offered, including special hybrids. Pricing from $5 to $25 depending on variety. All proceeds from the daylily sale go to benefit Cottonwood Mansion. For further information download the Daylily 2015 Press Release.

July 1, 2015

Canada Day

Open to the Public from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.

June 20, 2015

Selkirk Super Saturday

Free admission to Cottonwood Mansion Museum from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. In addition to self-guided tours of the Mansioon, a variety of gifts for Father's Day and other occasions will be available for purchase. There are other surprises for visitors! Also, a town wide yardsale in Selkirk begins at 8:00 am.

June 17, 2015

HN Caregivers Tea at Cottonwood Mansion

Cottonwood Mansion hosted a Queen?s Tea Luncheon for Senior Support Services Caregivers. 25 guests enjoyed finger sandwiches, appetizers, fresh fruit, and fresh-baked scones and cookies, with tea and coffee, served by Cottonwood's President Barbara Held; board member Julie Marchese; Gena Kelly, Secretary/Treasurer; Haldimand Press reporter Catherine Stidsen, media and public relations representative for Cottonwood; Deanna Schaus, Cottonwood member and volunteer. Special Guests included David and Mary Ann Pearson, volunteers and members of the Cottonwood Brass Quartet, who provided entertainment.

June 10, 2015

Selkirk Bakery

A display of artifacts from the Selkirk Bakery which was opened in the mid 1800s, opened at Cottonwood Mansion Museum on Wednesday, June 10th, courtesy of area resident William H. Lindsay. The exhibit is on display until Tuesday, September 15th, and will be followed by materials connected to croquet and other sports in the Victorian Era. This is in connection with Doors Open Haldimand County, scheduled for Saturday, September 19th, and for which Cottonwood Mansion Museum is a Value Added Site. Persons planning on visiting the Museum are asked to call 905-776-2538 to be sure that it is open when they wish to visit.

Click the pictures below to enlarge.

Kitchen Artifacts from Eastbury Bakery, Selkirk, c. 1850

May 2, 2015

Cottonwood Mansion's Dolly Tea Party

Dekota Balcomb and her Mom, Deanna of Hagersville attended Cottonwood Mansion's Dolly Tea Party on Saturday, May 2. With a Victorian theme, the sold out event provided a lunch of mini sandwiches, fruit, cookies, tea biscuits, cupcakes, tea and apple juice. Children enjoyed crafts where they made princess veils, book markers, and had a chance to purchase tickets for door prizes. The annual event raised $1,058.00 in profit and 62 have already signed up for next year.

Click the picture to enlarge.